As the creator of organisations covering a wide area in Northern Europe, ArcticStartup Events has been serving since 2007 to meet the needs of both entrepreneurs and investors as much as possible. Over a total of 72 events bear ArcticStartup Events’ signature. 12 of them are Arctic15 events. During these events, more than 26,000 one-on-one meetings were held. Our events have seen more than 18,000 participants so far. The two-day events attract international crowds aside from the Baltics and Nordic regions. These events bring together startups, investors, entrepreneurs, media and influencers to make new connections or strengthen existing ones.
Thanks to the organisation built around 15 principles, we bring together people from many business areas from health to agriculture, especially technology and impact, under one roof. The backbone of the organisations is the Deal Rooms. The one-on-one meetings are a great way to showcase innovative ideas or find something to invest in.
Besides all, we are growing year after year with the contribution of the attendees since we draw the general framework of the events in line with their needs.