15 Years of History

As the creator of organisations covering a wide area in Northern Europe, ArcticStartup Events has been serving since 2007 to meet the needs of both entrepreneurs and investors as much as possible. Over a total of 72 events bear ArcticStartup Events’ signature. 12 of them are Arctic15 events. During these events, more than 26,000 one-on-one meetings were held. Our events have seen more than 18,000 participants so far. The two-day events attract international crowds aside from the Baltics and Nordic regions. These events bring together startups, investors, entrepreneurs, media and influencers to make new connections or strengthen existing ones.

Thanks to the organisation built around 15 principles, we bring together people from many business areas from health to agriculture, especially technology and impact, under one roof. The backbone of the organisations is the Deal Rooms. The one-on-one meetings are a great way to showcase innovative ideas or find something to invest in.

Besides all, we are growing year after year with the contribution of the attendees since we draw the general framework of the events in line with their needs.

Our Story

One day, an idea hit us so strongly that it forced us to build this organisation. We had to dance along the idea to change the things we all have been complaining about. The idea rises from a need to upgrade business meetings once and for all. The earth is moving with the time, inspired by such harmony and -yes, of course- technology. Change has an inevitably strong power over us that we have to follow its lead. Then, it was set: make meetings interesting and efficient!

So many fancy words and thoughts, right? So, what could we do about it? How could we change the things about events and meetings? What is holding us back? How can we make everything different? All those questions led to many new things: The Deal Room, speed-dating sessions, workshops, demo stand posters, training E-Mails, and much more.

Since we started to try new things and flourish with what we have been building, so many similar attempts have popped up. It is nothing but a pleasure for us, though. We lead the change in terms of business get-togethers, showing itself with startup events, professional fairs, small networking breakfasts, and many other ways to bring people together.

We offer an elegant hotspot for matchmaking and networking for all startup-investor ecosystems. And we are raising the bar via every single event of ours on the way to success in that mission.

Santa's Christmas Pitch

Santa’s Christmas Pitch invites purpose-driven entrepreneurs to showcase their startups which are improving children’s lives. The 3 best pitches selected will be awarded a ticket and chance to present at Arcticstartup Charity Gala.

15 Principles

These 15 principles are guides that will help you get the most out of the event, treat them seriously and good results will follow

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Deunicornization


We do not believe in unicorns or the rockstar mentality of startup entrepreneurs. Instead – we want to see real businesses that solve real problems. At Arctic15 we do not chase Unicorns, we breed Alpacas. Stay real, talk about actionable business.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Entrepreneurship


“Someone who lives in the now and always takes corrective action with full personal responsibility.” – this is our definition of an entrepreneur and we live by it. You don’t have to have a company to abide by this principle.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Persobal Responsibility

Personal Responsibility

At Arctic15, you get what you put in. Make it your responsibility to use the event to the full. Fill out your ticket profile, register for workshops, speed-dating sessions. Start using deal-room as soon as possible (Access opens two weeks before the event.). Prepare.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Action


There should not be a moment at Arctic15 when you do not take action. There is always something to do, and if you find yourself in a moment when you do not know what to do next, take action and change that.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Participation


If you come to Arctic15, you are not a by-stander. Participate, engage with people, start conversations. We give you permission to approach anyone and just start talking.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Quality


We focus on quality, not quantity. Choose one or two favorite speakers, most relevant workshop, the track that you must listen to, the one amazing person that you have met. Think long-term and look for quality in everything that you do.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Efficiency


The event only lasts two days. Make the best out of it by preparing, filling up your calendar, booking meetings, and being efficient, healthy, and well rested.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Community


You are not the drop in the ocean, you are a mighty ocean in a drop. How you talk, act and engage, defines the world around you, and thus the entire community. We encourage you to give your best to the community, and it will respond accordingly.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Friendship


At Arctic15, we want to go beyond just business, beyond funding rounds, and business deals. We want to help you find real friends and business partners. So, do not just pitch your agenda/business. Ask questions, ask for advice, go beyond.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Help


We bring the matchmakers to the event, to help you find and meet relevant people, but why not act as a matchmaker yourself? Found someone from a big bank, that should meet a startup you just had a meeting with? Introduce them.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Honesty


Present the facts, do not deceive, do not boast or create false-claims. Be honest.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Equality


During Arctic15, we are all equal. We do not look at any differentiating factors, act and think accordingly. Everyone is a part of the event equally: speakers, investors, startups, volunteers, staff, chef’s. Everyone can benefit.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Presence


If you take the time to come to the event, make it a priority to be fully present at the moment. Please, do not book external meetings or Skype calls. Do not work on something that needs to be taken care of in a few days. Be present.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, Minimmum Viable Simulation

Minimum Viable Simulation

Arctic15 is a mirror for your success in business and your own life. How well you do here will show you, how well you can do within your business at this given moment in time. It is a simulation. Participate and get the most out of it.

Arcticstartup, 15 Principles, , Principle Acceptance

Principle Acceptance

We have a principle that is all about accepting our principles. Should something feel out of place, we go back to this one and see if we have truly accepted all the other principles. You should too.

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